A community driven discussion on a default 20mph speed limit for BCP. Hear the evidence and testimonies, and come to a decision as a community.
A community assembly is a way for the community to come to its own decisions on what it wants for its future. Rather than traditional no participative politics, an assembly encourages people to get involved in decision making.
The question is, should the default speed limit in BPC be lowered to 20mph?
You’ll hear from experts, stories from local people and get the chance to voice your thoughts. Then we’ll split into breakout groups and discuss amongst each other. Each group will gather its thoughts, then we will collate the assembly’s conclusions.
It will be held on January 17 at 19:00, at Branksome St Aldhelm’s Scout and Guide Den. Biscuits and hot drinks will be provided, and the event is designed to be as inclusive as possible. This is in line with our inclusivity statement:
“We value all voices equally in the assembly, as the aim is to hear the wisdom of the crowd gathered here and not to have the assembly dominated by individual voices or groups. We recognise that confident speakers are not always right and that those who are not confident speakers will often have the most useful ideas or opinions to put into the discussion. This is why we value all voices equally and we ask you to do the same. We do not tolerate any calling out, abuse or shaming and should conflicts arise in this way, there are conflict resolution tools you can use to resolve them. We welcome all people but not all behaviours.”
If you represent or are part of a community, organisation, school, church, run a business or anything in BCP, we want you at the assembly to make your voice heard.