Dear West Country Voices,
As a matter of urgency I write to remind you of the court case challenging the Government’s policy on forced deportation to Rwanda of asylum seekers and refugees to the UK. There is a live protest outside the Royal Courts of Justice in London TOMORROW (July 12) with a LIVE share on Facebook: https://facebook.com/events/s/demonstrate-stop-rwanda-flight/424295039569316/
We are also holding a Twitter Storm between 11am and 12 midday: join 11am -12 noon Twitterstorm, by holding up posters for selfies and sharing your pictures on all social media platforms, especially Twitter, with
On Saturday 16 July we will be holding a Stand Up To Racism stall at the Sundial, Armada Way between 11am and 1pm, calling to push back Patel and Johnson’s racist hostile environment – stop Rwanda offshore detention – scrap the Nationality and Borders Act!
You can find out more at our national website: https://standuptoracism.org.uk/protest-19-july-stop-rwanda-flights-no-offshore-detention-scrap-the-borders-act/ and at our national page on facebook: https://www.facebook.com/StandUTR/ and Twitter @standuptoracism https://twitter.com/StandUpToRacism
Stand Up To Racism in Plymouth is the local branch of SUTR. We have co-ordinated some of the biggest anti-racist initiatives of the last two decades in the City, and keep alert to racist incidents and events organised by the far-Right here. Each year we support and organise for a Plymouth contingent on the international United Nations Anti-racism demonstration in London, 19-20 March.
SUTR is a major lobby group against institutional racism, laws and propaganda, without political affiliation.
We are clear that there is a racist offensive taking place here and across the USA and Europe, which must be exposed, challenged and defeated. If you agree, please join the national organisation and/or offer a donation online.
Stand Up to Racism in Plymouth hold regular meetings. We offer frequent updates on anti-racist issues and events on our Plymouth Facebook page.