Author: Andrew George

“Council meeting not fit for purpose”

Andrew George

Cornish residents have a right to expect its primary democratically-elected debating chamber to be relevant to the most pressing matters of the day, argues Councillor Andrew George. I cannot apologise for my protest at the most recent full council meeting last week*. The Conservatives appear to be managing the agenda to avoid inconvenient facts and […]

Learning to live with … a con man

Andrew George
government guidance on lockdown at the height of the pandemic

Today’s Covid announcement was no more led by science than it was by politics. It was led by “Operation Save Big Dog”. Designed to save the skin of the PM. A man not exactly renowned for his honesty and integrity. Doesn’t matter to him that he’s throwing the vulnerable, the less well-off and frontline health […]

Tim Smit’s anti-Cornish rant: a riposte

Andrew George
Eden Project

Ed: In case you missed it, Tim Smit, of Eden Project fame, launched a bit of an attack on the Cornish (in a podcast) saying, amongst other things: “You feel, and I don’t, but you feel like saying ‘well if you were a bit more f- – -ing articulate you could speak up for yourself […]